uganda profile






Official Name The Republic of Uganda
Capital City Kampala
Cities as at 1st July 2020 Arua, Mbarara, Gulu, Jinja, Fort Portal, Mbale, Masaka, Lira, Soroti and Hoima.
Independence 9th October 1962
Official language English
Currency Shillings
Country code 256
Accessibility By air – Entebbe International Airport,
  By land – Kenya (Malaba & Busia), Tanzania (Mutukula & Kikagati), Sudan( Atiak/Bibia, Oraba), DR Congo(Vuura, Bunagana, Mpondwe, Goli), Rwanda (Katuna, Cyanika, Mirama Hills)
Mobile Telephone Networks Airtel (075, 070), MTN (077/078),  UTL (071)
Longitude 29o34’E & 35o0’E
Latitude 4o12’N & 1o29’S
Altitude (minimum ASL) 620 meters
             (maximum ASL) 5,111meters
Land Area by coverage by 2019
  • Uganda has a total area of 241,555 square kilometers
  • Open water bodies covered 37,013 square kilometers
  • Wetlands cover 8,773 square kilometers
  • Land area is 204,540 square kilometers
  • Agricultural land increased from 106,656 sq. kms in the year 2017 to 107,728 sq. kms in 2019
  • Built up land area covered 2,595 square kilometers
  • Forest cover reduced significantly by 44.7 percent between 1990 and 2019
  • Woodlands cover declined to 17,399 sq km in the year 2019 from 28,347 sq km in 2000
  • Total forest cover declined by 6.4 percent between the years 2010 and 2019
No of Administrative units – Uganda
Cities 11
Districts 146
Counties 302
Municipalities 31
Sub Counties
Central Region
Cities 2
Districts 27
Municipalities 9
Counties 59
Sub Counties
Western Region
Cities 2
Districts 38
Municipalities 9
Counties 79
Sub Counties
Northern Region
Cities 3
Districts 41
Municipalities 6
Counties 80
Sub Counties
Eastern Region
Cities 3
Districts 40
Municipalities 7
Counties 91
Sub Counties


  • The Revised estimated of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicate that the economy grew by 6.1 percent during the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 compared to the revised growth of 5.3 percent in 2022/23
  • The size of the economy in norminal terms increased to Uganda Shillings 202,725 Billion in 2023/2024 from 183,004 Billion in 2022/23
  • The Services sector continues to be the lead contributor to GDP, accounting for 43.1 percent of the overall GDP in FY2023/24
  • The Industry Sector accounted for  24.9 percent in 2023/24 compared to 25.8 percent in the previous Financial Year
  • The Agriculture Sector contributed  24.7 percent in 2023/24 compared to 25.8 percent in the previous Financial Year
  • In terms of Institutions, the Household Institution, was the lead contributor to the GDP, estimated at Uganda Shillings 96,879 billion in FY2022/23 and contributing 52.6 percent to GDP
Balance of Payments
  • The overall Balance of Payments (BoP) was a deficit of United States Dollars 66 million in 2021/22 following a previous deficit of United States Dollars 219 million recorded in 2020/21
  • The current account balance registered a deficit of United States Dollars 3,591 million in FY2021/22 compared to a deficit of United States Dollars 3,841 million in FY2020/21
  • The capital account position declined from 171 million United States Dollars in FY2020/21 to United States Dollars 158 million in 2021/22
  • The financial account showed a net borrowing position of United States Dollars of 2,999 million in 2021/22, down from USD 3,393 million recorded in 2020/21
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
  • Calendar Year (CY) 2022 registered a higher annual average inflation of 7.2 percent compared to the annual average inflation of 2.2 percent in CY 2021
  • The annual average Core Inflation increased to 6.0 percent in CY 2022 from the 2.8 percent recorded during the CY2021
  • The annual average Food Crops inflation for CY 2022 increased to 14.9 percent from minus 0.9 percent for the CY2021
  • During the CY2022, the annual average Energy Fuel and Utilities (EFU) inflation increased to12.8 percent compared to minus 0.7 percent recorded during the CY 2021
Producer Price index for manufactured goods and utilities (Combined)
  • The PPI-M&U (Combined) registered an annual average increase of 15.3 percent from 191.65 in 2021 to 220.8 in 2022 compared to 6.2 percent recorded in CY2021
  • The PPI-M (Local) for the CY2022 increased of 18.5 percent from 193.07 to 228.76 compared to 9.9 percent increase recorded in CY2021
  • The PPI-M (Export) on average registered an annual decrease to 10.2 percent from 251.59 annual average index in the FY2021 to 276.22 in 2021
Producer Price Index – Hotels and Restaurants (PPI-H&R)
  • The Annual Average Producer Prices for the Hotels and Restaurants Sector registered an increase of 2.8 percent in the CY2022, compared toh an increase of 1.2 percent for the CY2021
Construction Sector Index (CSI)
  • The average prices in the construction industry increased to 7.7 percent in CY 2022 compared to 2.7 percent in CY2021
External Trade
  • During the CY 2022, the total International Merchandise Trade was United States Dollars 13,953.4 million, representing a 2.4 percent increase in international trade in goods from US$ 13,624.4 million recorded in CY2021
  • Total export earnings (Formal and Informal exports combined) in the CY2022 decreased by 7.7 percent from USD 4,469.2 million recorded in CY2021 to USD 4,126.3 million in CY2022
  • Similarly, the total imports bill increased by 7.3 percent to United States Dollars 9,827.1 million in 2022 from United States Dollars 9,155 million registered in 2021
  • The overall annual trade deficit increased to United States Dollars 5,700.8 million in 2022 from United States Dollars 4,686.1 million recorded in CY 2021
  • Formal exports earnings reduced from USD 3,57.4 million while informal exports earnings were worth United States Dollars 548.9 million
  • Total imports bill increased significantly by 7.3 percent to United States Dollars 9,827.1 million in CY 2022 from United States Dollars 9,155.3 million registered in CY 2021
  • The formal and informal import bills in CY 2022 stood at United States Dollars 9,747.8 million and United States Dollars 9,086.0 million respectively
Exports/Official Exports 3,577.4 US$ Million, (2022)
Imports/Official Imports 9,747.8 US$ Million, (2022)
Total trade 13,325.2 US$ Million, (2022)
Trade Balance -6,170.4 US$ Million, (2022)
Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
  • In the FY 2021/22, the net Central Government revenue (excludes tax refunds and government taxes) was Uganda Shillings 22,262 billion compared to Uganda Shillings 21,084 billion collected in the FY 2020/21
  • Central government expenditure decreased by 86.6 percent from Uganda Shillings 36,485 billion in the FY2020/21 to Uganda shillings 36,387 billion in FY2021/22
Banking and Currency
  • The Net Foreign Assets (NFA) which shows a country’s level of indebtedness, declined by 2.9 percent from Uganda Shillings 16,376 billion as at June 20201 to Uganda Shillings 15,906 billion as at June 2022
  • Net Domestic Assets (NDA) grew by 22.9 percent, from Uganda Shillings 16,242 billion in June 2021 to Uganda Shillings 119,962 billion in June 2022
  • M1 increased by 15.5 percent from Uganda Shillings 13,762 billion in June 2021 to Uganda Shillings 15,894 billion in June 2022
  • M2 increased by 11.2 percent from Uganda Shillings 23,678 billion in June 2021 to Uganda Shillings 26,331 billion in June 2022
  • M3 increased by 9.96 percent from Uganda Shillings 32,619 billion in June 2021 to Uganda Shillings 35,869 billion in June 2022
  • Total assets of commercial banks in shillings increased by 12.2 percent from Uganda Shillings 39,992 billion as at June 2021 to Uganda Shillings 44,873 billion as at June 2022
  • Total commercial banks liabilities increased by 10.2 percent from Uganda Shillings 30,223 billion as at June 2020 to Uganda Shillings 33,308 billion as at June 2021
  • Net capital increased from Uganda Shillings 6,098 billion in June 2021 to 6,848 billion shillings in June 2022, representing a 12.2 percent increase
  • The Central Bank Rate (CBR), which is the rate at which commercial banks can borrow from the Central Bank decreased to 7.5 percent in June 2022 from 6.5 percent in June 2021
  • Commercial bank rate increased to 11.5 percent in June 2022 from 10.5 percent in June 2021
  • The average buying rate for foreign exchange (US dollar) appreciated from Uganda Shillings 3,572 in CY2021 to Uganda Shillings 3,676 in CY2022 while the average selling rate appreciated from Uganda Shillings 3,589 shillings in CY2021 to Uganda Shillings 3,688 shillings in CY2022
  • Life insurance Gross premium incomings increased by 20.4 percent in CY 2022, from Uganda Shillings 1,184 shillings in CY 2021 to Uganda Shillings 1,425 billion in 2022
  • Life group insurance category increased by 37.7 percent in 2022 compared to 8.8 percent growth in CY2021
  • Non-life Insurance premium incomings increased from Uganda Shillings 705 billion in CY 2021 to Uganda Shillings 817 billion in CY 2022, representing a growth of 15.8 percent
  • Insurance penetration which is the ratio of insurance premium to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), was estimated at 8.9 percent in CY 2022compared to 8.0 percent reported in CY2021
  • Insurance density in monetary terms increased from 8.3 US dollars in CY2021 to 9.7 US dollars in CY2022
  • Marine insurance registered an increase of 20.2 percent in 2021 from an earlier increase of 13.8 percent in CY 2020

Demographic and Socio-Economic Statistics

Uganda’s population 45,935,046 persons, (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Population growth rate 2.9%, (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Population projection 45.6 million, (Mid-year 2023)
Urban Population projection 17.0 million, (Mid-year 2023)
Total Population 34.6 million, (2014 Census)
Male population 22,495,030 persons, (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Female Population 23,440,016 persons,  (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Sex ratio 96.0 percent,  (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Area under water and swamps 41,743 km2
Population Density 227 (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Total Number of Households 10,845,119 (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Household Population 45,515,847 (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)
Average Household size 4.4 (Census 2024 Preliminary Results)


  • The Gross Enrollment Rate at pre-primary level increased from 10.2 in the year 2013 to 16.6 in the year 2017
  • Primary school enrolment was at 8.8 million in the year 2017
  • Secondary school enrolment stood at 1,371,583 in the year 2017
  • 94 percent of the students who sat for Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) exams in the year 2020, passed the examinations
  • 6 percent of the students who sat for UCE exams in the year 2020 failed
  • In the year 2017, more than two thirds of pupils attending primary school had adequate sitting space
  • 228,563 students were orphans in the year 2017

Labour Force, Employment and Earnings

  • The total working population was estimated at 18.3 million persons in the year 2021; an increase from 15.9 million persons in 2019/20
  • The Employment to Population Ratio (EPR) in the year 2021 was 43 percent, implying that less than half of the Working Age Population was employed during that period
  • There was a slight decrease in the proportion of working population in purely subsistence agriculture from 48 percent in 2019/20 to 40 percent in the year 2021
  • The highest percentage of the working population (61%) was engaged in Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry in the year 2021
  • The percentage of population in employment in Uganda increased from 8.3 million persons in 2019/2020 to about 10 million persons in the year 2021
  • The overall unemployment rate increased to 12 percent in the year 2021 from about nine percent in 2019/20
  • About 40 percent of children aged 5 – 17 years were involved in child labour in the year 20210

Income and Expenditure

  • Findings from the different waves of the Uganda National Household Survey from 2012/13 to 2019/20 indicate that, the largest share of household expenditure continues to be food with a small reduction from 45.6 percent in 2022/13 to 42.9 percent in 2019/20, followed by housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel with slight increase over time from 15 percent in 2012/13 to 17.4 percent in 2019/20 (17.4%), education (8.6%);
  • According to the 2018/19 and 2019/20 UNPS, 76 percent of the households remained in the bottom 40 percent of the wealth quintile while 10 percent remained in the top 60 percent of the wealth quintile


  • The number of functional healthcare facilities increased from 6,404 in 2017/17 to 7,508 in 2022/21 irrespective of the ownership status
  • The human resource statistics for health indicate that 74 percent of approved posts in health facilities were filled up in the FY 2020/21 compared to 65 percent recorded in the FY 2019/20. The human resource capacity has been between 70 and 75 percent from 2016/17 to  2020/21 except for 2019/20 when it dropped to 65 percent
  • Government allocation on health increased from 6.7 percent in 2017/18 to 7.4 percent in 2021/22
  • The per capita health expenditure in the FY 2019/20 was Uganda Shillings 57,715 (about USD 16) compared to Uganda Shillings 55,339 registered in the previous FY 2018/19
  • Malaria continues to be the leading cause of death followed by Pneumonia
  • The health facility based on maternal mortality declined from 104 deaths per 100,000 live deliveries in 2017/18 to 85 deaths per 100,000 live deliveries in 2021/22
  • Haemorrhage still remains the leading cause of maternal illness and mortality in the country accounting for 39 percent of the deaths in 2021/22. The figure has been increasing over time from 34 percent in 2018/19 to 39 percent in 2021 /22
  • Breast and Prostate cancer were the leading type of cancer recorded in patients in the FY 2020/21


  • The Annual Crime Rate (ACR) stood at 524 i.e out of every 100,000 people, 524 were victims of crime in 2022
  • The number of crimes reported to Police increased from 196,081in 2021 to 231,653 in 2022. The crimes reported progressively reduced from 2018 to 2020, however from 2021 to 2022
  • A total of 36,648 vehicles were involved in road accident crashes in 2022 compared to 26,066 vehicles reported in 2021
  • A total of 20,394 road traffic crashes were recorded by the Uganda Police Force in 2022
  • A total of 21,473 casualties were reported and accident severity index of 22 in the year 2022 compared to a total of 18,035 casualties and Accident Severity Index reported at 24 in 2021
  • The majority of the road accident crashes occurred between 4:00-7:59pm accounting for 26.9 percent of the total clashes in 2022. The least road accident crash occurred between 12:00 mid night – 3:59am accounting for 6.8percent in 2022
  • 369 prisoners occupied space meant for 100 prisoners in 2022 compared to 331 prisoners recorded in 2021


  • In 2022, there was a decrease (18.4 percent in the volume of coffee produced from 414,00 MT in 2021 to 338,000 MT in 2021 Likewise Tea production decreased by 16 percent in 2022 from 82,000MT to 69,000MT
  • Production of all other food crops remained the same except for sweet potatoes, Maize and Plantain bananas that increased by 200,000MT, 1,200,000MT and 100,000MT respectively in 2022

Index of production

  • The index of production increased by 3 percent in 2022 from an average index of 316 in 2021 to an average index of 329.74 in 2022.


  • Total import of petroleum products decreased by 0.1 percent from 2,298,129 in 2021 to 2,295,600 cubic meters recorded in 2022
  • A total of 2.284 billion litres of selected petroleum products were sold in 2022 reflecting a 0.1 percent increase in 2022 compared to 2.283 billion litres of sales in 2021
  • Total installed capacity of electricity power sources increased by 2.3 percent from 1346.7 MW in 2021 to 1,378.01 MW in 2022
  • Total Electricity generated increased by about 9.7 percent in 2022 i.e from 4,748.7 GWh in 2021 to5,211 GWh in 2022
  • Electricity purchased by Uganda Electricity Transmission Company from the generating companies increased from 4,955 GWh in 2021 to 5,490 GWh in 2022

Building and construction

  • During 2021, the majority (57.5%) of Building Plans submitted were for residential structures, followed by commercial structures (27.8%), mixed-use structures (7.3%) and institutional structures (4.0%);
  • Total Net Domestic Supply of cement registered a 3.1 percent increase  in 2022, with 4,122 thousand tonnes in 2022 from 3,997 thousand tonnes in 2021


  • There was an increase in the total value of the minerals produced from 105.4 billion shillings in 2021 to 145.1 billion shillings


  • The total national road length during the FY2021/22 increased by 0.7 percent, from 21,019 km in FY2020/21 to 21,178.07 km in FY2021/22
  • The number of newly registered motor vehicles and motor cycles increased by 9 percent to 245,999 in CY2022 from 227,92 recorded in CY2021
  • There was a non significant decrease of 0.1 percent from 49.1 percent in CY2021 to 49 percent in CY 2022
  • In CY 2022, there was an increase in total number of passengers using Entebbe Airport to 1,594,760 (67.8%) in 2022, from 950,362 (66.3%) in 2021


  • The total number of mobile money registered customers increased by almost 12.3 percent, from 32.7 Million customers in CY2021 to 36.8 million customers in CY2022
  • The total volume of letters handled by Posta Uganda decreased by 14.4 percent in CY2022, from 567,456 letters in CY2021 to 485,912 letters in 2022

Migration and Tourism

  • Uganda registered about 2.5 million people arriving and departing out of the country in 2022 compared to 1.58 million travellers recorded in 2021, reflecting a 50 percent increase
  • There were about 1.2 million persons entering the country (arrivals) and about 1.3 million leaving the country (departures) in 2022
  • In 2020, about 473,000 visitors entered Uganda through the eight ports In 2022, about 814,000 visitors entered Uganda through the eight ports of entry/exit and about 790,000 visitors left the country
  • The main reason for visitors into Uganda in 2022 was for other reasons including medical, tourists, spiritual and training (48 percent)..
Page Updated on the 16th of October 2024.